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Sunday 8 July 2012
d r e a m s

So the given topic is dreams. I looked it up on Wikipedia to supposedly do some background research on dreams but uhh I got bored of all the scientific-ey things and I used to do Psychology and we went into the whole REM and NREM sleep and it bored me to death. If you ask me, dreams are things that are in your head, made of your thoughts, stuff that isn't real... at least not yet.. dreams are like the what ifs or what could have been or what could be. 

I am a big dreamer. I am not talking about dreams that you dream while you're asleep though, I am talking about dreams that I dream when I'm wide awake.

I remember watching Jem and The Holograms as a kid and I guess that influenced me a lot because I really really wanna become a rockstar but uhh I'm not doing anything about that am I? Hahahahahah. I have, however, performed a lot...... on this videogame called Guitar Hero and Rockband.. Bahahahahha hey, they count! I had audiences and everything. A girl can dream. I would occasionally sing out loud on my guitar back at home like it was a concert but only in front of my little brother who thinks I'm a loser.

But if we were to talk about dreams that we dream when we're asleep... I can think of one interesting dream though. It's a dream that I used to keep getting when I was younger. Even before I was a pre-teen. I used to have this dream of me driving my mom's old Proton and we were at my dad's parents' house, I don't know why but me and my brother were in the car and I think at first nobody was driving, and the car moved by itself out of the compound and on to the road, we would be driving but I'd be too scared to drive so me and my brother would stay behind and the roads were straight anyway so... but then I see curves on the road so I take over and start to steer. Obviously, I was too little to reach the pedals and stuff but it moved by itself so I didn't have to worry about that. I don't remember what happens in between but we would be driving up to this place called Telisai back at home and then we reach a dead end and then I wake up. Which is disturbing because the car wouldn't stop so we must've died or something.... I don't know. It creeps me out though now that I remember about it. I used to have that dream a lot, but I never knew why. And I have no idea why I'm talking about it right now, but I guess it's relevant because... it was a dream!

Ok I think I'll stop for now because I don't wanna have nightmares tonight but I will give you 2 video links to the videos I will watch tomorrow when I wake up from my (hopefully) sweet dreams tonight. Oh I watched the first one:

But I haven't watched this one because the music creeped me out, but I'll be watching this tomorrow and go on about dreams.

[added] So I watched the BBC one and I got bored halfway, but it was really interesting at the beginning where one of them said dreams remain a huge mystery because scientist still can't find a way to find out what people dream of, with machines and stuff, but they can (only) tell when they're dreaming or not.. might have been impressive back then, but now it's just like... come on, man, find a way to project people's dreams with a machine! 

When that's possible, we could probably find out more interesting things about people, because if we knew what people dream about, we would get to know a lot about them, and we wouldn't have to worry if they're lying or not, because the machine would be projecting exactly what people are dreaming! Dreams could help us understand more about people.

I also (kind of) paid attention to the part where someone said something like um.. dreams have a purpose, and that is to prepare you for the future, or something. And I think that's pretty interesting because this morning I woke up from a dream where I was at the airport with my luggage and stuff and I was panicking because I didn't have my passport! What a nightmare! I immediately woke up to check if my passport was still under my pillow, and it was. Haha weird. Thanks to that dream, I won't forget my passport when I go home (which is soon!). Yeah hopefully I don't forget. Oh my goodness. [/added]
