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Friday 4 May 2012

So my idea development's been... developing very slowly on my sketchbooks. I haven't seen Mr. C to talk about it because my ideas are embarrassing and stupid so I just plan on sharing those ideas here on this blog.. Haha.

So um.. First of all, to be very honest, I had completely no idea on what I was going to be for a very long time until about 4 or 5 days ago.. I thought about being a coffee woman or something and my 'power' would be to wake people up when they're falling asleep in class or at work in order to prevent them from getting in trouble/failing their course/getting fired. I don't know if Mr. C would approve of that lame idea.

My backup super-hero would be... a banana person who dresses up in the color of bananas and has all these banana weapons to fight all evil... banana sword(s), banana pistols, but her so called special banana weapon would be... [insert drum roll here] .... the banana boomerang! This would be used to catch a person when he/she has already ran away too far for her to catch so she would aim it on the enemy's neck and it would choke him/her. Also used at times of desperation when she doesn't really know what else to do because all else fails.... she just slaps the enemy with the banana and it would (usually) make him/her go unconscious. So I guess maybe I would call her Banana Boomerang? Because that's her special weapon. Banana Boomerang is a very unsure person who's always thinking too much and ends up failing most of the time because she doesn't believe in herself. However, she really wants to fight all evil... not necessarily for mankind... but because if she doesn't help, she feels really guilty.

Wait, that sounds like my banana super-hero person is my initial idea and not my backup idea. Because the Coffee Queen doesn't have much concept to it.. but it's got a story... so I don't know if it counts... it's really lame though but here goes... Um.. she's always longed to marry a prince but doesn't think it will ever happen so she decides to make herself queen, instead of princess, because it's way cooler.. in her own world and would like to improve something in the world. So, since she's too lazy to save like, everyone in the world and thinking about all the different crimes and bad stuff happening all over the world, I mean, who is she kidding, she can't save everyone! So she's like... aww man whatever I just wanna save a specific group of people... So she starts thinking... and thinking.... and then falls asleep. So she's like damnit! I can't keep falling asleep.. I need coffee. I won't be able to think of any ideas... so she made herself coffee... but it doesn't have any effect to it... so she punched her coffee machine and it exploded..... but it was still in tact... so she tried it and then her coffee looked like it had electricity in it... so she tried to drink it and she felt her pupils constricting and started becoming all hyper and stating the obvious out loud.. and stuff... and she accidentally spilled some coffee on her roommate's face, who was sleeping, and it immediately woke her up so she thought...  I could definitely help people wake up with this coffee machine that I have...
