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Friday 4 May 2012
aesthetics VS the machine

Beauty VS Functionality. I could talk about a lot of things but I'll try to limit myself because you might get bored reading because I usually write stuff that don't necessarily make sense.

Obviously, functionality is more important than beauty. However, I would be a hypocrite if I said that without also saying that I sometimes (OK.. most of the time) buy/pick something because I like the way it looks. But I think it has to have a balance… Like, when it comes to clothes, they'd have to look nice and comfortable to wear. When it comes to fashion, (and when I say this, I'm just assuming) I think men are less fussy (not all, of course, but perhaps maybe most). We women are so picky about what we wear. If it looks nice and it doesn't make us look fat, we'd buy it, even if it hurts our wallets. When it comes to shoes, most women don't care if it hurts their feet when they're wearing pumps and crazy high heels… as long as they look gorgeous. It's crazy, really, how we depend on all these things to make us look pretty. I mean, the stuff we wear isn't even part of our body. If it weren't for the person who invented clothing, we'd all be naked (sure, it's pretty disturbing if you think about it, but if we never knew about clothes and all we knew was nakedness, we wouldn't think it was weird.. would we?) and we wouldn't have to spend so much money on all these different brands of clothing through which people judge us by in today's crazy society. In today's world, you are what you wear and I think that's pretty crazy. But here I am hurting my wallet every other weekend buying stuff from TopShop or Forever21… 

But there's something else to consider. Beauty means different things to different people. But I would be drifting away from the topic if I started blabbering about that so… nevermind.

To end, I would like to state the obvious - functionality is more important than beauty, but in today's society it's hard to think like that. However, most things are made to look very nice and function very well.. but they cost… a lot of money. And that is painful.
