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Monday 9 July 2012

[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]

Before I came to Taylor's to join The Design School, I had no idea what illustration really meant. And I thought drawings and art and stuff had very strict rules and things, and then I came to learn that they did have rules, but it wasn't how I thought it was... I mean I thought everything had to be a specific way, like eyes should look like real eyes and stuff like that. Ok maybe it is like that in the fine art world, but maybe it's because we're in design and we don't have to abide to those kind of rules. We just have to focus on um.... I'm not sure really.... maybe expressing ourselves? I don't know. But I want to share interesting illustrations on this open post and I hope that is okay.

I've learned that eyes shouldn't have to look like real eyes and heads shouldn't have to look similar to real heads, and necks can look like they can't even support the head.

[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]

I've learned that it's okay not to have outlines on drawings and it looks pretty good that way. 
[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]

I've learned that hair textures would look more interesting if you break them up into smaller lines rather than long flowing lines from top to bottom. It sort of looks like cross-hatching, I guess.

[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]

I've learned that it's okay to write stuff on your drawings, and I've learned that you can use multiple techniques on one artwork. I felt so stupid when I found out all of this. Haha but it's cool. At least I know now. I could use watercolor and oil pastels and Artliners on the same piece of artwork and it would look awesome.

[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]

Anything can be made into art if placed properly on a page, and given appropriate negative space! Well... at least I think so.

[ i did not illustrate this, and i thought you should know ]
