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Tuesday 22 May 2012
creativity improved!

Because Lynz loves flowers!

I think everyone is creative. Anyone can be creative. I mean sure, everyone has to stick to rules and instructions when it comes to doing work for somebody else but when it's for yourself or when there aren't any rules, you tend to go crazy with your ideas and that's when people get creative. Creativity is a way of expressing yourself. Yeah, that sounds pretty typical but I think it's accurate. It's a way of communicating, or something. 

For example, some people dress the way they do to show other people what kind of person they are. Not everyone does it intentionally though. Some people do it because of their workplace or their jobs, some people do it to look rich even if they're not; just like how some people dress like they're poor even if they're not. It's like, you dress yourself in a way that you want to be perceived as. I don't quite know if I'm making any sense but let's try that again. Where people aren't required to wear uniform or a specific kind of clothing or fashion, people dress the way they want, and the way they want to dress comes from their brain, so that somehow means the way they want to dress shows their personality. Some people intentionally dress how they want to be perceived as, they picked specific pieces of clothing and carefully “measured” how well they go together, including the little accessories, but other people just dress the way they do because it’s the only thing that they could find that was clean and as for the accessories probably because they were the only ones visible if per say the person was a very messy person who’s room is where you wouldn’t be able to see the floor. Heheh… heheheh definitely not me though. Oh no no no

Other than that, some people show creativity through cupcakes. Back at home I would bake like almost all the time because of orders and all these people would request such cute things on their cakes and I’m always like ohhhh my goodness how the hell am I going to do that? But then I would find my way in the end because of… well… let’s just say I’m blessed with creativity. Hahahah ok no. But you know, there isn’t a book or YouTube video that shows me how to make a Jack Daniel’s bottle with fondant or how to make a ketupat with fondant or whatever, in full detail and stuff. I mean maybe there is if you Google 23793819 different things and you would finally find something similar to what you’re actually looking for but I just don’t have the time to do that so I just make up my own way of doing all these things with fondant. It’s pretty fun. Like this one time I was studying in the UK and my mom got an order for cupcakes with graduation hats on them and she had no idea how she would make it and then I showed her how to do it with kitchen rolls, and I took pictures of it and uploaded it to a private album on Facebook and she went like ohhhhhhhhh okay I can do that! It was cute. She would update me on her orders and I would give her little tips on how to do the stuff she didn’t know how to do. But she’s pretty creative herself, obviously. But she has a different taste to mine in terms of color schemes… I think it’s probably because we’re 30 years apart. 

So yeah, I guess creativity also means finding another way of doing something. Oh and here's the picture I put together for my mom:

People can be creative through music as well. Like, you know how when there’s a new song out and it becomes very very popular and when you’re on YouTube, there are like 282039 different covers of that particular song. I love going through cover videos. Sometimes you could find a very very good cover that you wouldn’t even listen to the original song. And most times when there is a very very annoying song that you very much loathe and then one day you find yourself singing to that very song but in a slightly different way because of a good cover.. For example, listen to this:

Horrible, isn't it? My ears bled when I listened to it. And I didn't even listen to it till the end. But now, listen to this:

See? Dave Days makes it a thousand times better. And I think I saw you dancing a little bit over there. A-ha! 

Anyway, I think Parodies are very very creative, too. Like, the first parody I’ve ever seen is probably Blink 182’s All The Small Things. Is that even considered a parody? Haha I was very very young when I saw that but I remember it very well, they did a series of parodies of the different music videos from different pop artists at the time, like Britney and Christina and The Backstreet Boys and All Saints. 

Creativity through art has come a very long way. I believe that true art does not have any rules. I’m not quite sure how to say this but it is insane how there are 29320381 ways of making art. You could paint with acrylic; you could paint with poster paint, oil pastels. You could draw a portrait with crayons, or paint with melted crayons, or color pencils, or charcoal. You could drop a blob of ink on paper and then blow in different directions with a straw and it would look amazing. You could combine so many different techniques into one piece of artwork. 

I'm not very artistic but I can find quick and lame ways to making "art". I googled toast - because I love toast, I mean who doesn't love toast right? - and this came up: 

Oh and since I'm creative, I even took the time to make that circular frame around the pretty bread. Wait, wait, I didn't type toast to get this image, I think I typed bread first. Anyway, so I re-created it by tracing it and coloring it in very badly but it looks errr.... creative! 

Say whatever you want but I think it's pretty darn cute!

Then I googled toast and this came up:

I cut it out from the background and played around with it and made....

This! Look at all those cute little multi-colored toast! Wait, is toasts a proper term for more than one toast? Is toast even singular? Ok let's just call them toasties... because we're creative.

9gag is pretty cool in that it’s like a whole different bunch of people posting these hilarious posts and nobody even knows who makes them. I mean, who invented memes anyway? They’re just simple cartoons that are recurring characters on 9gag and we know them, and we know their personalities and we even make up voices for them. I find that very amusing. 

One last thing I would like to share is... for Communication Theory, we had this one exercise where we had to dress up like a fictional character that we could relate to and I picked Totally Kyle from The Amanda Show on Nickelodeon. I don't know if you've heard of Kyle but he pretty much reminds me of myself, except.. I don't talk with a surfer-dude accent. Here, watch this!

Hahahahhahahahahah. Anyway, that's not the point... the point is, I was trying to figure out where to get a wig and I managed to find a few places but they all sold wigs at 3 digit prices and I was like.... Heck no I am not spending gjhefh-hundred Ringgit just to buy a wig and mess it all up so it looks all surfer-dude-ish for one Communication Theory exercise. And I wanted to get a tie-dye shirt but you know when you're looking for something specific and you're looking for it like crazy because you want it so bad... you can never seem to find it... So this is what I did: 

Bahahhahahahhahhaha yes I just painted my costume with watercolor on 2 pieces of A3 papers from my sketchbook and cut a whole for my head to go in. Now isn't that creative?

Oh and the day after I did this, I found a tie dye top at one of the stalls at the 
Boardwalk bazar......................
